

Nicht auf Lager

Alter Preis 2.400,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Versandgewicht: 10,5 kg

Kundenbewertungen zu ALMAG-02

Anzahl der Bewertungen: 3
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5
really good
von am 10/06/2021
I bought Almag-02 a year ago to treat my joint problems, and it really helps me to manage pain.
Recently I had a car accident, after which I had numerous bruises and injuries all over my body. I used the Almag-02 to recover faster, and the nurse at the hospital was very surprised at how quickly my recovery was going! I am very pleased with the device. It definitely worth the money!
really good
von am 10/06/2021
I bought Almag-02 a year ago to treat my joint problems, and it really helps me to manage pain.
Recently I had a car accident, after which I had numerous bruises and injuries all over my body. I used the Almag-02 to recover faster, and the nurse at the hospital was very surprised at how quickly my recovery was going! I am very pleased with the device. It definitely worth the money!
sehr gut
von am 03/07/2018
das Gerät ist wirklich effektiv, einfache Bedienung, deutliche Bedienungsanleitung. Hauptsache - ich kann wieder Spazieren gehen, Leben genießen. Danke!

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Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: 1. Medizinische Geräte